Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Beginning-Part Two

The next day the husband woke with a 102 temp and could hardly breath. Flu! I set him up in his LazyBoy with a bowl of homemade chicken soup with a ton of garlic and some green tea and got on the phone. Son in law graciously agreed to come back and help me keep on schedule. We started on the outside pen with tamping down the posts. After all the rain the day before, the soil was much too soggy for tamping. Insisting a little rain wasn't going to pee on my parade AGAIN today I consulted construction husband and he told me to go purchase 12 sacks of Sakrete at the local lumber yard. As son in law set up to continue, I jumped in the pick up and headed into town. It had been MANY years since I had even seen a bag of Sakrete, let alone remembered they weighed 60 lbs a bag. Let it be known that a 120 lb OLE lady CAN load 12 bags onto a utility cart and push the 700 lbs plus from one side of the lumber yard to the other by herself! It may take 14 stops to catch your breath, but you CAN do it! We started setting posts and by noon we got er done...the posts anyway!

With the posts going no-where now, we started on the fencing and got some momentum going. Measure, layout, cut, wrestle to the posts, stretch, and staple. Next section...measure, layout, cut, wrestle to the posts, stretch and staple. Add a few nailers here and there and in no time we had a good bit of it done. We finished it all that day except the gate, which carpenter husband would finish when he felt better. I thought we did really good for two people that had never set livestock fence before!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for using Sakrete! Please email me your address to: shawn.king@oldcastleapg.com and we will send you some fun Sakrete items. I know all too well about picking up those bags! Thanks again for choosing Sakrete -

    (Mrs) Shawn King
    Marketing Director
