Monday, October 26, 2009

The Goober Goat

I've never owned a creature that I've come up with so many alias's - ever. Everything from "Resident Character" to "Houdini" to "YOUSONOFA!"...not one dull moment since she stepped first hoove on the property.

Not that we don't ADORE her... but "AlphaB" will be departing the farm this week on a journey Northeast, to hitch up with her new friend "Huckleberry" aka "Huck" for a month or so. We are hopeful Huck can convince her she really is NOT a "Dog Goat" or a "Kangaroo" or an "Alien Being" and get his job done. I can only imagine what pregnancy and the change in hormone's will bring us in the form of alias's! "Grouchy Goat" or "Goiter Gut" or "Munchy Mouth"?? Hopefully... we'll find out!!

1 comment:

  1. Huck was VERY VERY HAPPY to reunite with Hope this afternoon. She was less thrilled to see him, although she did wag her pretty little tail at him quite a bit. Quite the tease!

    Can't wait until she is actually "in the mood!" (And either can Huck . . .). Will keep you posted.

    Hope's former mommy
