Sunday, October 18, 2009

Goat Hoove's & Cat Claw's

Never a dull moment home on the farm. Upon arriving home Saturday afternoon I hop out of the passenger side of the truck to see one of our cat's hanging by his claws, on the three birdhouses affixed 8 foot up the side of the chicken coop. I nonchalantly ask..."Whatcha doin Itty Bit??" I knew that all the birds were done nesting for the season, so I didn't give his antic's much thought, other than amusing one's.
Remembered I happened to have my camera right there in my purse. Snap.

Looked to me that he had been at it for awhile as one house dangled damaged away from the wall. I watched as he finally managed to make his way to the top house and perched on it. He then clawed upside down into the hole from the top a couple violent times, and then I saw a bird try to fly out. Ah ha! I should have known..this is the best hunting cat we've ever had. Not a mouse as far as the eye can see around here ;-)
Titled: I Taut I Taw a Putty Cat.
Before we got back to putting the garden to bed and before we pluck the last batch of chicken's for the season, I decided we needed to try and trim the goat's hooves for our first time. I knew resident Alpha Girl Hope would probably give us the most grief, and she didn't let us down! Up on the milking stand with grain she did fine. But as soon as the grain was gone (30 seconds) we had the buckin bronco from hell on our hands again!
Randy and I had never done a goat before and had read up on it in several venue's and had SEEN it done at the farm we visited previously. sigh...yeah.... that goat actually stood still ;-) We both have always hated doing dog nails and we were just as apprehensive about a goat. We wrestled (and bucked ourselves) for a good 15-20 minutes, including me just lifting her ass end up, with her back legs clear off the stand (no footing, not as much movement ;-) and managed to trim a little off all four. (and without blood from all involved, phew!)
Susie (aka Milkyway) was a complete jewel, but was still small enough to be held sitting in my lap. Gizmo being such a baby, just shivered for a couple minutes and gave out a couple baby baaa's before he fell asleep in the crook of my arm. I was wiped out by the time we got done. Jeez. Fun....we get to try it all again in 6-8 weeks!

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