Monday, March 1, 2010

A Whole Herd??

Hoping that I'm not jinxing things here! My research on whether or not you can tell your goat is pregnant keeps leading to: you can't tell without an ultra sound, they possibly don't show (IF at all) until the last three weeks, along with.... they normally look pregnant all the time. Okay....she's FIVE weeks out and she has a Goiter in her side then ;-)

The whelping pen was built this past weekend and feeders/waterer's installed. All the "just in case" kidding supplies have arrived (except for my Xanax). All family members have been told I will be unavailable from March 27th until "to be announced". I still haven't found a security camera or monitor (that I can afford anyway) that will work 200 feet away through a metal building. Guess I will either camp out in the barn or put 2000 miles on my boots or miss the event.

Hope's first Mom said her first kidding produced twins, her second kidding produced triplets. Any guesses?? I'm thinking one HUGE buck and one doe.

Poor gurl looks like a walking bowling ball ;-)


  1. Do they kick on the insides? feel anything?

  2. I thought I felt one the other day, but the SNOT won't stand still long enough. Gimmie food, gimmie food ;-)

  3. I don't know who writes all those books with such foolishness (like they don't show until three weeks before they're due) - certainly not someone who owns Nigerians. Coco looked big when she was two months pregnant this year. She had quads also. Now if they're just going to have one, you will find yourself scratching your head and wondering - unless it's one really big one.
