Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 144

And buns are STILL in the oven! Good thing.... as it was 24 fricken degree's last night out here. I finally found a baby monitor (sound only) that works somewhat through a metal building 200 feet away to the house. It has saved at least 300 miles on this neurotic woman's feet thus far. Symptoms continue to surface daily. Today the discharge was somewhat amber. Distinct line down her back (which she's always had but not very distinct). She didn't want me to touch her today, which is very unlike her. Looks to be bagging up and general swelling of her rear end parts. When laying down she does this soft moan as she chews her cud. Ravenous appetite and I have increased her grain. Still prefers the straw to the alfalfa hay. The ligaments that were once mushy, then disappeared, then came back, are mushy again. Tomorrow morning would work good for me. Wonder what SHE thinks?? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful goats! Does not sound like it will be long before they kid. Just stopping by to say hi and thank you for following my blog!
