Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Chores

Susie is not real sure she appreciates the milking stand thus far. ppphhhh! It's good until the grain runs out and then Randy continues to trim my hooves. Not fun! I'm trying to get her used to being on the stand while she's still young.
The Three Amigo's continue to grow coat and stand like frozen statue's on a daily basis out in the snow for about an hour. Hope isn't showing any signs physically of being pregnant, that I can tell. But I have read that doesn't normally happen until 4 or 5 weeks before birthing.
Still need to get the birthing pen built and order all the "just in case" supplies for the big day. Yesterday I ordered 25 Frankenchicken's and 14 new Bantam's before I forgot. They are also due here on the farm in April. Next on the agenda is ordering seed for this season's garden, goat pen, and chicken yard. Gonna be a busy spring.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, She looks so thrilled!!! Like a bad day trying to get thru a gate or fence !!! LOL!
